This started as a prototype for a class. I decided to add to it and put it in my portfolio.

It's like the Original Plants vs Zombies. You have three towers and the computer has 3 towers

Enemies spawn from Opponent towers and walk towards your tower.

  • Red Enemies are Ranged
  • Grey Enemies are Melee

You have up to 10 cards in your hand and currently only 4 types of cards

  • Melee fighter

  • Ranged fighter

  • Wall

  • Magic Explosion

you are given 5 mana every 5 seconds. Cards require mana to use. There are little glowing balls that appear on the play field that can be picked up for extra mana.

Extra Mana

Walls can be placed anywhere on the field except the closest square to the enemy tower, careful though if you place a wall directly in front of your tower you won't be able to spawn more creature.

Click on a card then click on the field to spawn.

Magic blast creates an explosion that is 3x3 centered on the square you clicked.


This is a heavy WIP and may never be completed.

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